Battle Tested Leadership Principles May 2025 MSCI and Thayer Leadership have designed an exclusive, 3-day, dynamic, interactive leadership development experience for the metals industry. The program is taught by senior retired military officers who have learned leadership lessons on the battlefield. The curriculum includes a history-filled tour of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, classroom teaching and practical field exercises, all designed to help you rethink, re-examine and re-calibrate how you lead. The program begins at 2:30 on May 19 and concludes at 2:30 on May 21, 2025. The registration fee includes two nights lodging at the historic Thayer Hotel and meals beginning with dinner on May 19th through lunch on May 21, 2025. Check in prior to May 19 and/or departure after May 21 is arranged on a space available basis and charged at the best-available rate, please contact Ann Zastrow at to inquire. Participants are required to undergo a background check, coordinated by Thayer Leadership, to enter the West Point campus. For travel planning purposes, most participants fly into and out of Newark, JFK or LaGuardia. Approximate travel times from the airports to the Thayer Hotel at West Point are: Newark: 1.5 hours LaGuardia: 1.75 hours JFK: 2.25 hours Detailed information will be sent to participants approximately six weeks before the program date. When 5/19/2025 - 5/21/2025 Where The Thayer Hotel 674 Thayer Rd West Point, NY 10996 UNITED STATES Registration not available. Sign In To Register Username Required Password Required Keep me signed in Forgot username? | Forgot password? Create Account Proceed to Cart