Customer Stratification: An Overview

Customer relationships drive all opportunities for a company. While customer stratification has been used for pricing optimization, it is increasingly being used in creating high return on investment growth initiatives. Join us for this one-hour free webinar and discover why customer stratification is important to your business’ success. Get an overview of the approaches to customer stratification and opportunities that companies can capitalize on by effective use of the technique.

Who should attend:
Sales and Marketing Managers
Business, Branch and Regional Managers
Marketing Professionals and Data Analysts
Anyone who Communicates or Works with Customers

MSCI is offering a live online, eight-hour Customer Stratification course on August 3, 2021. Join us on June 29 for an overview of the model and learn how valuable and quickly applicable it is to metals companies.

Dr. Esther Rodriguez Silva
Research Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution
Texas A&M University
Click here to see Dr. Rodriguez Silva’s bio

Deepak Muthukrishnan
Research Engineering Associate III, Industrial Distribution
Texas A&M University
Click here to see Deepak Muthukrishnan’s bio
6/29/2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Registration not available.

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